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sing / sing/ • v. (past sang / sang/ ; past part. sung / ng/ ) [intr.] make musical sounds with the voice, esp. words with a set tune: Bella sang to the baby. ∎  [tr.] perform (a song, words, or tune) in this way: someone started singing “God Bless America”| [as n.] (singing) the singing of hymns in Latin. ∎  (sing along) sing in accompaniment to a song or piece of music. ∎  (sing something out) call something out loudly; shout: he sang out a greeting. ∎  (of a bird) make characteristic melodious whistling and twittering sounds: the birds were singing in the chestnut trees. ∎  make a high-pitched whistling or buzzing sound: the kettle was beginning to sing. ∎  (of a person's ear) be affected with a continuous buzzing sound, esp. as the aftereffect of a blow or loud noise: a stinging slap that made my ear sing. ∎ inf. act as an informer to the police: a leading terrorist was singing like a canary. ∎  [tr.] recount or celebrate in a work of literature, esp. poetry: poetry should sing the strangeness and variety of the human race | [intr.] these poets sing of the North American experience. ∎ archaic compose poetry.• n. [in sing.] inf. an act or spell of singing. ∎  a meeting for amateur singing.PHRASES: sing a different tune change one's opinion about or attitude toward someone or something.sing for one's suppersee supper.sing the praises ofsee praise.sing someone to sleep cause someone to fall asleep by singing gently to them.DERIVATIVES: sing·a·ble adj.sing·ing·ly adv.

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